India may launch Module anti-dumping probe on Chinese module manufacturers

Saturday, September 22, 2012 0 comments

China daily has reported that India may soon launch an anti-dumping
investigation against solar modules manufactured in China, after the United States and Europe.

Indian module manufacturing companies has filed an applicarion to Indian anti-dumping authority requesting them to start investigating solar panels made in China, Malaysia and the US.

By investigating the chinese module manufacturers; Almost 90 percent of the total solar modules made in China are for export. Major final destinationa include Europe and the US.

Chinese solar companies are starting to face tough days, as they are struggling to sustainably carry on the operations due to an increasingly strengthning debt obligations and according to WSJ's report employee layoffs may also eat up their global market share as the demand for Solar PV installations are growing globally.

Suntech, the world's largest manufacturer of solar module- based in China, said in a statement on Monday that it would temporarily stop manufacturing of a quarter of its capacity as their is an increasing developing pressure due to high oversupply of Solar Modules and antidumping tariffs imposed on them in the U.S. and an antidumping probe in the EU.

And incase India wish to do an anti-dumping probe, it will have a limited effect on Chinese companies because India is not a major market currently, but impact will be big as it is one of the largest growing solar market in the world.

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