New Delhi's Chief minister Sheila Dikshit inuagrated what is slated as first water treatment plant that operates on solar technology. The project will benefit nearly 750 families of economically weaker section living near east Delhi's Surajmal Vihar.
The project has a water treatment capacity of 5,000 litres a day. The project will be operated by NGO Social Awareness, Newer Alternatives (SANA). Officials say that the waste water will be treated using micro-ionising water purification processes and the project will be powered using Solar Modules. The project will also comply to WHO water treatment standards.
Officials said that about 750 school children from economically backward homes have been identified and they will each be provided five litres of potable water daily for their families. The system will also incorporate bottling facilities. Recyclable bottles of 20 litres and 5 litres capacity will be used. Chlorine will also be produced locally to disinfect bottles before they are refilled.