Kerala is facing acute power shortages, And if it goes this manner kerala will face severe blackouts. Also the power requirement of the State is expected to be 6,000 MW by 2020. To overcome these difficulties, kerala government launched a series of Solar energy projects which included ANERT 10,000 Solar project and solar electrification of government offices.
And now as a part of the kerala government's green initiatives a Solar PV system was commisioned by Home Minister of state Mr. Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan at Central Prison in Poojappura, Trivandrum.
The total investment for Poojappura jail project was about Rs.7.9 crore. The solar energy produced by the pv modules of this 229KW solar project will be utilized for Street lighting, lighting and fans for blocks, steam cooking, chapatti-making unit, and water pumping inside prison premises.
Currently the poojappura central has an average electric tarriff rate of 1.2 - 1.5 crores a year. And thanks to this solar project the jail operators can save a good deal of money. Similar projects will be soon brought to other prisons as well.
Image source: Hindu