The Europe's Largest Wind Farm - 600 MW, Fantanele/Cogealac Wind Park in Romania developed by CEZ Romania is online.
This CEZ Romania Project is considered as the Europe’s largest
onshore wind project. The Project is capable of Producing enough Power to light one million Romanian households each
year. The Project is located in Romania's most promising Wind Regions - Dobrogea, Constanta County. The Europe's largest Wind Energy Project Utilized 240 2.5MW GE Wind Turbines.
CEZ Romania is part of CEZ Group, the largest Electric Utility in Central Europe. As per GE, After the installation of Europe's Largest Wind Project, Wind Installed Capacity in Romania has risen from a mere 14 MW to 614 MW. The Fantanele-Cogealac Wind Farm is situated in an area of 12 by 6
kilometres only 17 kilometres from
the shore of the Black Sea, Also this Wind Farm will occupy nearly 10% share of the entire Romanian renewable energy market.
Project had Roots Globally:
Wind Turbine Provider GE said that it's 2.5 MW Turbine used for the Fantanele/Cogealac Wind Park, Utilized wind turbine components produced all over the world. The turbine nacelles were
supplied from GE’s facility in Salzbergen, Germany. The rotor blades and
towers came from Germany, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Poland
and China. Also the Project saw the installation of it's 1,000th 2.5MW Class Machine installation.
Article Written by Rahul R Prabhu
For any Quires Contact: rprabhu@renewindians.com