Tamil Nadu, the South Indian state which currently only has 17 MW of Solar Installed Capacity is inviting bids to install 3 GW of Solar Power by 2015.

The Solar Energy Policy mandates 6% Solar Purchase Obligation (SPO) (starting with 3% till December 2013 & 6% from January 2014) for the HT consumers (HT Tariff I to V) and LT commercial consumers.
The Sale of Tender Documents will started Yesterday and the last date of recieving the bids is 04th Jan 2013. Power Purchase Agreement is to be executed between TANGEDCO and the Project Developer within one month from the date of confirming the Transmission feasibility. The agreement shall be valid for 20 years.
Tamil Nadu is also India's top state in terms of Wind installations, and has 44% of it's Power Generated from Renewable Sources.
Tender Documents: Click Here
Tamil Nadu Solar Policy: Click Here
Article Written by: Rahul R Prabhu
For more information contact: rprabhu@renewindians.com