Major Private Electric Utilities in India- Tata Power and Reliance Infra has said that they are unable to meet Indian state Maharashtra's Renewable Portfolio Standards/Obligation's (ie RPS/RPO) through Solar.
Under the current State Renewable Policy in Maharashtra, Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission or MERC has a specific RPO which mandates all Electric Utilities, including Reliance Infra, Tata Power, Mahavitaran (government owned Utility) and BEST to acquire 0.25% their Annual electricity demand from
solar projects in a annual basis in the Time Period of 2010-11 to 2012-13. And the Annual requirement will be 0.50% starting from
2013 till 2015, which double's the Utilities requirement for Solar Power.
But the Utilities specifically Reliance Infra and Tata Power said to MERC that Unavailability of Procurement of Solar Power and REC issues has made them not to meet the Mandated RPO targets for FY 2010 and 2011.
Utilities has Failed Miserably on their RPO Targets:
The Following data shows the Solar RPO Met by Utilities in 2010 and 2011
Reliance Infra:
2010 - 0.001% of Electricity Demand (mandated - 0.25% of Electricity Demand)
2011-0.006% of Electricity Demand (mandated - 0.25% of Electricity Demand)
Tata Power:
2010 - 0.001% of Electricity Demand (mandated - 0.25% of Electricity Demand)
2011-0.067% of Electricity Demand (mandated - 0.25% of Electricity Demand)

The Accute Shortage of Solar REC's is causing a big issue. As of 9th Dec'12 - Only 5,545 Solar REC's were issued of the total of 41,11,944 REC issued. The Most of REC's Traded in India are Wind, followed by Bio Fuels and Bio Mass.
Also to make things worse in Maharashtra is the fact that, only three REC Accredited Solar Generators are available in the state and they have a total installed capacity of only 10.5 MW.
Data Source: REC Registry of India
Article Written by: Rahul R Prabhu
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