State of Karnataka has introduced a new Grid Tied Rooftop Scheme, which will see installation of Solar PV Modules in Rooftops in Multiple cities including Bangalore, Mysore, Mangalore, Hubli and Gulbarga.
This will be similar to a Solar Leasing Scheme,which involves renting of Residential Solar Roofs to the Developers. These solar developers will be allowed to install a Solar PV plant on the rented Residential rooftop and the developer will have the rights to sell the
electricity to the grid. The price at which the Power will be sold to the Utility will be decided using a Tendering Process. Also the Developer will have to share the revenue to residents where the Rooftop Solar PV Plant is Installed.
This Pilot Grid Tied Solar Project will be developed with installed capacity ranging from 0.5 kW and 1 kW. The Table on the right indicates the city wise Breakup of the Solar Projects planned in the State.
The Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Ltd or KREDL(link) has released a Tender document for this scheme. The Tender specifies that Supply of Equipments must be as per design and specifications approved by KREDL and should have at least 5 years warranty, on turnkey basis with a yearly minimum guarantee generation of 450 units.
Click here to Download the Tender Document.
Article Written by Rahul R Prabhu
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