To boost the use of Concentrating Solar Technologies, the Ministry is implementing a new UNDP-GEF supported project on “Market Development & Promotion of Solar Concentrator based Process Heat Applications in India” since April 2012. The objective of the project is to promote and commercialize Concentrating Solar Technologies for industrial process heat applications in India and facilitating the installation of 45,000 m2 of installed solar collector area by March 2017 through 30 demonstration and 60 replication projects. Direct emission reduction from these projects during its 5 years period will be 39,200 tonnes of CO2.
To develop these demonstration & replication projects, Expression of Interest (EOI) are invited from interested beneficiaries. UNDP-GEF support of Rs. 15 lakhs per project will be available for selected demonstration projects and Rs. 4 lakhs for replication projects which will include preparation of feasibility report, DPR and performance monitoring of the system after its installation as applicable for both the projects. This support will be in addition to 30% support available from MNRE for installation of the systems.
Commercial organization will also be eligible to get accelerated depreciation benefit which may come to around 25% of project cost. Interested beneficiaries will first get the feasibility study done through some consultant and if found the project suitable, will then submit the proposal in prescribed format. DPR may be prepared later after the projects are cleared for Demonstration projects. List of empanelled consultants by Project Management Unit for preparing feasibility studies and the DPRs will made available at MNRE website very soon. Beneficiaries will, however, be free to select any other consultant also known to him subject to satisfactory of delivery of reports.
Based on the DPR and performance monitoring plan prepared and manufacture identified for installation of the systems, proposals in prescribed format will be then prepared by the beneficiaries and submitted to MNRE for subsidy support. Separately, a few Consultants/ Consultancy organizations are being hired by the Project Management Unit who may help beneficiaries in preparing proposals apart from being done by respective manufacturers/ consultants hired for preparing DPRs.
For More Details regarding the application Procedure Click here
Article Written by Gokul R Prabhu
For more Queries please contact gprabhu@renewindians.com