The 2013's first Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) trading session was held on 30th January at Indian Energy Exchange Limited (IEX). The Trading was concluded with the trade of 1,90,875 Non Solar REC's and about 2105 Solar REC's. Also during the session, IEX trading volume shot up by more than 10% from the previous trading session.
Buy bids of 1,90,875 RECs and sale bids of 13,71,503 RECs were received for Non Solar REC's against which 1,90,875 REC's were cleared at Rs 1500/REC and buy bids of 40,138 RECs and sale bids of 3356 RECs were received for Solar REC's against which 2105 RECs were cleared at Rs 12,500/REC.
The Non Solar RECs were cleared at a floor price of Rs 1500 per RECs while the Solar RECs were cleared on the higher side at Rs 12,500 per REC. But still high inventory of Non Solar REC's is a big issue (almost 17 Lac REC's are still in inventory) remains a key concern for the RE generators.
Total participants in the auction reached all time high of 583 consisting of 271 participants from Discoms, captive consumers & open access consumers on the buy side and 312 eligible entities on the sale side.
More than 1300 participants are registered in REC segment at IEX till date. Out of this 475 are eligible entities, 828 are obligated entities and 7 have been registered as voluntary entities.