Vijay Kumar Misra, the Uttar Pradesh Minister for Alternative Energy Sources, said during a Question and Answer session in UP Vidhan Sabha that, the state Government is planning to develop Agra as a solar city in
order to save the Taj Mahal from pollution.
According to Hindu, In 2009, the Union
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy had approved the proposal for converting Agra a solar city, following which the Agra
Nagar Nigam made a master plan which was approved by the Centre in 2012,
Minister for Alternative Energy Sources Vijay Kumar Misra told the
Vidhan Sabha.
Misra was replying to a question by Dharampal Singh of BSP. The Minister said a detailed project report (DPR) in this regard was
almost ready and would soon be sent to the Union Government. To another question by Mukesh Kumar Srivastava (Congress) the Minister
said the solar energy policy 2013 is being implemented in the State. The Minister said a target of generating 500 MW solar energy by 2016-2017 has been fixed.