Also Suntech has said that it will not file an objection against the petition. The Company expects that the Court will decide whether or not to accept the petition in the next few days.
Wuxi Suntech is the Company's principal operating subsidiary in China engaged in the manufacture of photovoltaic (PV) cells and PV modules. The Company has additional cell and module production facilities at wholly owned or partially owned subsidiaries in Wuxi,Shanghai and Luoyang and, in the event insolvency and restructuring of Wuxi Suntech is approved by the Court, the Company intends to continue production of solar products to meet customer orders. In addition, management will work with any Court-appointed administrators to ensure all of Suntech 's product warranty obligations are met.
"While we evaluate restructuring initiatives and strategic alternatives, we are committed to continuing to provide high-quality solar products to our global customer base," said David King, Suntech 's CEO. "During this period, we will continue to work closely with all of our stakeholders and take the necessary steps to put Suntech back on track for growth."
The insolvency and restructuring procedure is designed to facilitate an orderly restructuring plan for both Wuxi Suntech and its creditors. In such proceedings, the Chinese court would typically appoint administrators to Wuxi Suntech to administer the restructuring, including negotiations with existing bank lenders and other creditors. Wuxi Suntech will apply to the Court to continue operations under the supervision of the administrators.