All thanks to reinstatement of Generation Based Incentive for Wind Sector, states are coming up with new plans to revive the Dull Indian Wind Industry and one of the first states to come up into the lime light is Tamil Nadu.

According to the latest data provided by MNRE, Tamil
Nadu has the highest installed cumulative wind capacity of 7,160.1MW, which accounts for 40% of the total installed wind capacity in the Country and in the last three years, the state added 2856.2MW of Wind Power alone. Also Tangedco is planning to add 13,500 MW
by 2020.
According to Deccan Chronicle, After achieving an all time capacity addition of 1083 MW
in 2011-12, Tamil Nadu has witnessed drastic fall in capacity addition
of windmills post GBI with only 173 MW added to the grid as on January
31 this year. During the same period, Maharastra has added 242 MW in the
grid while Gujarat has installed 226 MW.
K. Kasturirangan,
chairman, Indian Wind Power Association said that the industry added
3196 MW in 2011-12, this year (till January) capacity addition fell to
1200 MW. "The country not only Rs 110,800 crore and creation of new
employment opportunities," Kasturirangan said. He also added that during peak windy
season, many wind power projects were disconnected from grid, which
caused a lot of wastage of power besides a huge backlog in payment of
arrears and a low price for the energy produced by windmills were the
factors forcing investors to scout other states.