As the Wind installations saw a record year in 2012, there is still a confusion among the industry on who was the best Wind OEM, based on MW installations in 2012. In a preliminary data released by BTM Consult, which is a division of Navigant Consulting, GE has risen to No.1 spot in Wind installations in 2012.
According to them, GE had a modest 15% global market share in 2012, all thanks to the PTC scenario in the US. According to this PTC uncertainty, US saw record installations in 2012 and the same scenario helped GE leapfrog to moving up from No. 1 from the earlier No.3 in terms of installations in 2012. Also according to BTM Consult Rounding out the top five were Siemens (No. 3), Enercon (No. 4) and Suzlon (No. 5).
But according to the latest report (link) released by MAKE Consulting today reveals that Vestas has retained it's No.1 Spot in 2012. According to MAKE, the Competition for the number 1 spot went down to the wire, but Vestas maintained its position as the world’s largest turbine OEM in 2012 by a narrow 0.9% margin from GE. GE’s record year in the US and growth in emerging EMEA markets were instrumental in moving GE up from global number 5 to number 2, running Vestas very close for market leadership. Vestas would have lost its number one position to GE, had all of GE’s 2012 projects in Brazil been connected to the grid.
MAKE Consulting, 2012 rankings also showed that the industry has become more concentrated as the top 5 OEMs commanded 55% of the global market in 2012 versus 45% in 2011, in spite of an increasing number of market players.