Indian Solar Market Rising
- Welspun, Mahindra, Azure, GAIL, Kiran Energy, Fonroche Group, Green Infra and SunEdison are emerging as successful project developers.
- In the last quarter, 57.25 MW were accredited based on the REC mechanism. The total proposed capacity of accredited projects now stands 78.16 MW.
- Giriraj Enterprises, a group company of the Malpani Group has emerged as the largest player betting on the REC market in India. The company is accredited to set up 40.65 MW of REC based solar projects.
- Many project developers are now looking at the third-party PPA market.
- India is evolving into a manufacturing destination for solar inverters. Companies like ABB, AEG and Schneider are already manufacturing in India and Bonfiglioli and SMA are known to have plans to do the same. Such companies are focusing on the central inverter market. Many inverter companies that manufacture indoor inverters can also provide the enclosure for outdoor placement.
- In the wake of US taking India to the WTO against domestic content requirements (DCR), India continues to support the DCR and argues that it is legal.
- Punjab has released a request for proposal (RfP) document for allocation of 300 MW of solar PV in the first phase of its state solar policy.
- Uttar Pradesh has updated and finalized its solar policy and it is now called ‘Uttar Pradesh Solar Policy 2013’.
- The PPA signing entity for Rajasthan is the Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Limited and not the power distribution companies.
Article Written by Sumit V Nawathe
For More Details contact: SNawathe@renewindians.com