A Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) of Rs.1521 crore has been provided to
the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) during 2013-14, in
comparison to GBS of Rs. 1385 crore and Revised Estimates of Rs. 1150
crore during 2012-13, for development and promotion of renewable energy
An expenditure of Rs.1106.79 crore was incurred by MNRE for development
and promotion of renewable energy sources, which is about 80% of the GBS
and over 96% of the Revised Estimates for the year 2012-13. Against the
target of 4125 MW grid connected capacity and 126 MW off-grid
applications, the achievements have been 3163 MW and 147 MW respectively
during 2012-13.
The Government is continuing various incentive schemes to promote the
new and renewable energy sector generation based incentives, viable gap
funding etc. to further support the Renewable Energy sector.