Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will open the Ministerial while Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, will co-chair the event with U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu. Among other ministers expected to attend are Wan Gang from China’s Ministry of Science and Technology; Greg Barker from the United Kingdom’s Department of Energy and Climate Change; Martin Lidegaard from Denmark’s Ministry of Climate, Energy and Buildings; and Elizabeth Dipuo Peters from South Africa’s Department of Energy.
Ninety percent of global clean energy investment and 80 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the participating countries in CEM4. Discussions will focus on identifying smart policies, programs, and innovative strategies to increase energy efficiency, enhance clean energy supply, and expand energy access. It is expected that new commitments to advance those goals will also be announced at the end of the two days.
The government of India will host the Innovation Showcase Pavilion April 16-18 alongside the Ministerial meetings. The pavilion will include approximately 40 booths representing innovative and globally deployable products and services that tangibly demonstrate the advancement of clean energy technologies.
The Clean Energy Ministerial recognizes the essential role of the private sector in leveraging its expertise, influence, and capital toward clean energy goals. Six high-level public-private roundtables will be convened at CEM4 on: Business Innovation to Reduce Soft Costs and Accelerate Deployment of Solar PV, Accelerating the Global Adoption of Clean Vehicles, Power Market Evolution in Emerging Economies, Intersection of Policy and Finance for Renewables, Large-Scale Adoption of Energy Management Systems, and Market Barriers to Mini-Grid Development.
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