Sun Edison, Thermax and Azure Power won SECI Rooftop Solar Project Bid

Wednesday, April 3, 2013 0 comments

MNRE has released the names of Successful bidders for the for implementation of Grid connected Rooftop Solar PV systems in selected Cities/States in India. The Tender which was floated Solar Energy Corporation of India was for Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi and Gurgaon.

Azure Power, Thermax Limited and SEI Technologies were the Successful Bidders. Azure Power won a total of 2MW of Rooftop Solar PV Projects. Azure Power can implement 500KW projects each in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi and Gurgaon. Thermax also won a total of 2MW projects of which 1MW each will be built in Bangalore and Chennai.

Sun Edison India(SEIL), has won a total of 1.5MW, of which 0.5MW each was allocated in Bangalore, Chennai and Delhi. Azure Power Bid for a Rs.43/Wp in all the cities, while both Sun Edison and Thermax Bid was much higher in Rs. 80Range/Wp.

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