The Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan celebrated his 71st birthday on Saturday by announcing his plans to light up rural Indian villages that have no electricity.
The Bollywood superstar said to TOI: "There is a trust in my father's
name — Harivansh Rai Bachchan Memorial Trust. The funds we collect are
used for a charitable cause. This time, along with the Urja Foundation
we will provide electricity to 3000 homes in small villages across
India. The electricity will be provided through solar energy."
Urja Foundation and Dr. Harivansh Rai Bachchan Memorial Trust will
embark on a journey to light up rural homes with no electricity using
environmentally friendly solar home lighting systems. This initiative is
being supported by the United Nations Information Centre for India and
Bhutan (Unic) and has Blue Dart as the official supply partner
Bachchan celebrated his birthday with family and close friends
and revealed his delight as being serenaded by his granddaugher Aaradhya
who had been taught how to sing Happy Birthday by mother Aishwarya Rai
Big B received thousands of messages from fans on Twitter and
Facebook and sent out a message on his Facebook account to thank them
for their kind words.
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