Initially the tool is being developed for Chandigarh area and currently there is dire need for a user friendly GIS tool, which the users can investigate their locations of interest and perform pre-processed analysis. Through the Geographic Information System(GIS) user can see the map of the entire city and thus gives them an Idea of the Solar PV Potential in a particular site or a building.
The Tool was demonstrated by TERI on 24rd December last year. Dr Amith Kumar, Energy Environment Technology Development, said TERI started working on the development of this Utility as nothing sort of this kind was available in the Indian market, compared to Germany and the North American Markets. Going further TERI aimed at Developing the Tool, such a way that it can be used by anyone rather than only those having proprietary software and thus enable user to estimate the Solar PV Potential for both Crystalline and Thin Film Technology.
After the successful demo of this tool, TERI believes the Quantifiable and tangible benefits can be showcased for other cities too. This initiative is being supported by the Shaktu Sustainable Energy Foundation (SSEF), and the strategic support is given by Chandigarh Renewable Energy Science and Technology Promotion society (CREST) and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).
The First Training Program for the Solar based tool will be conducted on 24th January in New Delhi.
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