India, which is currently the fifth largest in terms of Cumulative Wind Capacity till 2011 and third largest in terms of New Wind installations in 2011 is planning to look to the sea for future Wind installations.
Farooq Abdullah, the Union Minister of New and Renewable Energy was speaking at the inauguration of Wind Power India 2012 conference which is being organized by Indian Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association(IWTMA) and Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) from Nov 28-30th at Chennai.
Farooq Abdullah, the Union Minister of New and Renewable Energy was speaking at the inauguration of Wind Power India 2012 conference which is being organized by Indian Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association(IWTMA) and Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) from Nov 28-30th at Chennai.
“We believe the time has come for us to go into the sea to generate more power from there also” Farooq Abdulla at WInd Power India.
He also added that India is planning to become No.1 in the world in terms of Wind Installations.
Current Offshore Initiatives in India:
India has a coastline of nearly 7600 Km. But still there is not even a single MW installed in the sea, though India has conducted various surveys to check the feasibility of having Offshore Wind Turbines in it's waters.
India recently conducted a Preliminary assessment at 54 locations on the coast in the states of Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Odisha, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and West Bengal. Also MNRE has started steering Committee, which will aid the growth of Offshore Wind in India. A Subcommittee of this Committee has been assigned to create a draft Policy of Offshore Wind Development.
Also MNRE along with a Scottish agency had recently conducted surveys in Rameshwaram and Kanyakumari area in Tamilnadu (state with largest installed Wind capacity) and the result indicated nearly 1GW of Capacity in both the areas.
Data Contributed by Rahul R Prabhu (