Building Integrated Photovoltaics Market to Reach 2.25GW by 2017

Friday, December 28, 2012 1 comments

Though Building Integrated PV was considered as a small  niche market in the Solar PV world, it is all said to change. According to the new reports released by Pike Research, The  BIPV Market will increase more than five folds to reach 2,250 MW in 2017.

The Current worldwide installed capacity of BIPV systems is about 400 MW till 2012. Also the annual value of the BIPV market will quadruple over the next five years, growing from $606 million in 2012 to more than $2.4 billion in 2017, the study concludes. The research director of Pike research Ann Adamson said "In the future, BIPV will no longer be confined to spandrel or overhead applications. Rather, the entire building envelope will be able to put it to use, allowing the structure to produce its own power and feed additional power into the grid system.". He also added “The growing availability of energy-efficient, flexible, and transparent solar materials is transforming the way that architects and building engineers view, and use, photovoltaic systems”.

BIPV will open up more:

Going into 2013, the BIPV market will open up more as it rebounds from the great solar depression and several long-term projects hit the market, according to the report.  An increasing number of players in the supply chain are working together to provide solutions for the entire building envelope.  Among the most important next steps for the industry is the development of finished solar modules made by continuous production from PV rolls. Developing the ability to print the PV coating directly on to steel roof cladding will enable the modules to be produced in large volumes, cost-effectively.

Western Europe Still Leads the BIPV Market; But New Regions opening up:

Currently Western Europe remains the largest market for BIPV products, The new markets are emerging which include Eastern Europe (Lithuania, Serbia, Slovenia, Poland, and Ukraine), Asia Pacific (Mainly Australia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand), Latin America (Brazil and Chile), and South Africa. Also the U.S. government is paying greater attention to BIPV, as shown by the Department of Energy’s approval of an additional $145 million in funding for the SunShot Initiative and specifically BIPV development programs in September 2011.

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