Indian Power sector had received a good year in 2012, both in terms of
Policy support and Investments, and India's Cumulative solar
capacity is 1,040 MW as of Sept'12 and of which 830 MW or nearly 80% was
installed in 2012 alone, making it the most successful year yet in
India's Solar Industry history.
a new year and new possibilities for Indian Solar Sector. RIC Team of
Bloggers has reviewed the past Year and analyzed the Future market
conditions and Finalized Top 10 Predictions for Indian Solar Market in 2013.
Indian Solar Module Manufactures will emerge Winners:
As Indian
Ministry of Commerce is formally going ahead with the anti-dumping
investigations onto the PV modules manufactured in China, US, Chinese
Taipei and Malaysia, will see a healthy increase in Revenues of Indian
Module Manufactures, but they have to boost the Quality as Government is planning more Quality Projects rather than just Solar Projects.
More Indian and Foreign Firms will enter the Market:
is highlighted by the fact that Relative Unknown Indian Companies like Raasi
Green Earth Energy and other foreign firms are formulating plans to
enter the Solar Market.
Alternate and New & Renewable Energy Performance for PSU's:
Alternate and New & Renewable Energy Sources may be considered as a MoU Performance Measurement Tool for Central PSU's. According to Ministry of New and Renewable Energy's data, PSU's have installed 1,135 MW of Wind Projects and 27 MW of Solar Projects all over the Country and this is set to Increase.
Solar Cities, Solar Home and Street lighting set to increase:
is Cemented by the fact that, MNRE is planning Solar Cities across the
Country and States are planning to install Solar PV installations in
houses and install Solar Street Lights.
"Softer Costs" will still Remain High:
their is seen a rapid dip in prices of Solar BOS, Poly silison and Solar Modules,
Softer costs still remain high, particularly Permitting and other
installation charges.
Kerala's 10,000 Solar Home Project:
is planning to improve it's Solar Footprint by introducing 10,000 Solar
Home Project, which is aiming to install Solar PV systems of 1 KW size
on 10,000 Roof tops across the state. As an Impact of this Project there
is seen a good interest developing up in the State for Solar, which is
luring in more Solar installers and Jobs in the State.
Rupee Depreciation, Inflation and High Bank Rates:
may impact the Indian Solar Industry in a bad way, specifically for
Manufacturers and Developers, as this may increase the overall cost of
the system, also Bank rates in mid teens is also creating hick-ups for
State Government Subsidies and other Initiatives:
years back, mostly the Solar Projects were subsidized by the Central
government, but 2013, will see a greater involvement of State Government
in the Solar Subsidies and Schemes, particularly South Indian States.
We Might see more Foreign Module Manufacturers setting up Plants in India:
As government is planning to impose duties on foreign manufacturers, they
will be increasingly forced to set up plants Domestically and we can
expect even First Solar to enter the Indian Manufacturing Market Sooner
or Later.
Significant Power Deficit:
Biggest Driver for Solar Market in India for 2013, will be the acute Power
shortage, which it is currently facing, and as the Middle class is
rising more, the Power demand is also seen a significant rise.