Vestas recieves 144MW Orders from Wind Farms in Chile and Mexico

Tuesday, January 1, 2013 0 comments

Vestas has said in a Press Release that It has received two wind Turbine Orders for with a Total capacity of 144MW.  

The first one from Mexico is a 54 MW order for 30, V100-1.8 MW wind turbines. The Second from Enel Green Power for 45, V100-2.0 MW wind turbines which will utilized for it's 90MW Valle de los Vientos Wind Farm to be built in Chile.

Mexico Order:

The Delivery of the V100-1.8 MW turbines to Mexico is scheduled for the second quarter of 2013 and the Power project is expected to come online by first quarter of 2014.“We are pleased to supply 54 MW of new wind energy capacity to Mexico, thus supporting the country’s commitment towards the reduction of carbon emissions and fossil fuel consumption. This project shows our engagement in the country, where we look forward to continuing playing an important role in the expansion of its energy mix,” states Adrian Katzew Corenstein, General Manager, Vestas Mexico & Caribbean. Vestas has bagged delivery, transportation, installation and commissioning of the turbines, SCADA and O&M contract for 15 years.

Chile Order:

The exact Delivery date of 45, V100-2.0 MW wind turbines are unknown, but this order from Enel Green Power is a part of the the global supply agreement of 400 MW with an option for an additional 1,000 MW with Enel Green Power. The Valle de los Vientos project will be located at El Loa province, Antofagasta region, Chile. Vestas has bagged delivery, transportation, installation and commissioning of the turbines, SCADA and O&M contract for 5 years.

Vestas Gaining Traction in South America and Mexico:

Of the total 809 MW delivered to Latin America region; 15% of went to the Chilean market, aslo Vestas has captured nearly 2/3rd of the Chilean market. In Mexico, Vestas has signed nearly 530 MW of Wind Orders. 

Article Written by Rahul R Prabhu
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