SolarFuel’s 250-kilowatt demonstration plant

What is Solar Fuel Technology:
To make the methane, SolarFuel combines two existing technologies.
One is electrolysis, which splits water to produce hydrogen and oxygen.
The other is methanation, which combines hydrogen with carbon from
carbon dioxide to make methane. The company says its innovation lies in
the way it’s combined the two processes. SolarFuel’s process uses the excess renewable energy generated as a
result of Germany’s push to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. There’s now
so much renewable energy in Germany that supply sometimes exceeds
demand such as when the wind is blowing late at night. That power could
be cheap enough to make methane from water and carbon dioxide, even
though the process for doing so is inefficient.
SolarFuel says, Methane, which can be stored in existing natural-gas storage facilities, provides a convenient, long-term option for storing the energy.
Though Technology is Promising Challenges Remain:
One major drawback of the process is its inefficiency. Its
small-scale demonstration systems are only 40 percent efficient at
converting electricity to methane. It hopes to improve that to 60
percent efficient in its commercial plants. Even then, when factoring in
the losses from burning methane to generate electricity again, the
overall process is at best 30 percent efficient. SolarFuel hopes to
recoup much of that lost energy by using it for steam, but doing that is
limited by the demand for steam and the infrastructure for distributing
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