Tata BP Solar India said in a press release that they have changed their name to Tata Power Solar Systems. The Company officials say the name change was the part of a major restructuring. The company also highlighted the fact that Ajay Goel was appointed as the CEO of the company.
Former Tata BP Solar was founded in 1989 as a joint venture between Tata and British Petroleum and currently it operates independently as a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Power, as BP quit the solar module manufacturing business due to heavy margin losses thanks to module inventory glut.
Currently Tata Power Solar Systems own and operate over 80 MW of solar cell manufacturing and over 120 MW of solar module manufacturing at it's Bengaluru Headquarters.
Ajay Goel Bio. in a Nutshell
- Engineering from IIT-Delhi.
- MBA from University of Chicago
- Over a 20 years of experience, with 5 years of Renewable experience.