North Atlantic Right Whales
Recently Renew India Campaign Reported about the New Offshore Wind Auction in the U.S. and following the land mark judgement several Environment Activists in the U.S. Atlantic Coast raised their protest on the threat the Wind Turbines may impose on the Marine life and especially the Whale Population in it's coasts.
Groups developing these offshore wind farms in the U.S. Atlantic Coast have pledged that they will to try to protect the North Atlantic right whales in whatever possible way they can. The developers promised that they would reduce loud noises, which the Wind Turbine Blades create. Also they have said that they would avoid building Wind Turbine towers and foundations at the peak of whales' migratory season. The companies also agree to watch for whales and to use tools and technologies which will keep the construction activity as Quiet as possible.
The Environmentalists are also concerned about the turbines effects on migrating birds and sea life, still they Support the Project as it's a Clean and Green Resource.
Article Written by Adrian Smith
For More Details Contact:
Recently Renew India Campaign Reported about the New Offshore Wind Auction in the U.S. and following the land mark judgement several Environment Activists in the U.S. Atlantic Coast raised their protest on the threat the Wind Turbines may impose on the Marine life and especially the Whale Population in it's coasts.
Groups developing these offshore wind farms in the U.S. Atlantic Coast have pledged that they will to try to protect the North Atlantic right whales in whatever possible way they can. The developers promised that they would reduce loud noises, which the Wind Turbine Blades create. Also they have said that they would avoid building Wind Turbine towers and foundations at the peak of whales' migratory season. The companies also agree to watch for whales and to use tools and technologies which will keep the construction activity as Quiet as possible.
The Environmentalists are also concerned about the turbines effects on migrating birds and sea life, still they Support the Project as it's a Clean and Green Resource.
Article Written by Adrian Smith
For More Details Contact: